The Path to Making Champions in Golf & Life
1. Participate in MLG Camp
(5days 1.5 hours per day)
2. Join MLG Golf Coaching
(1.5 hours Once per week after school)
3. Play in MLG Junior Tour
(parents get to caddy for a fun family afternoon out)
4. Advanced Coaching
(Player shoots 39 or lower from 100 yard makers)
2 Hours weekly & On-Course Coaching
5. Elite – 4 Hours weekly
(Coaching 2 hrs. p/w + Skill development focusing on swing and short game 2hrs)
6. College Path
Adds mentoring 2 x per month to support your junior golfer in creating a path to playing college golf through college selection, tournament schedule / stat tracking, and more
7. Mastery Classes
in addition to these programs are Intensive Courses to fast-track a player in a certain area in which they most need to improve.