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MLG Hat System

The MLG Junior Improvement System

We created the hat system to give both our juniors and their parents a clear path to improvement like you have in martial arts. The hat system is based on having our juniors focus in on the parts of the game they can master at their age & strength level. All players start at a White Hat Level which is based on scoring from 100 yards from the hole and in. This the most critical part of the game of golf and the part that juniors can master and play to a level way beyond the age and strength level. They are unable to hit the ball 250 yards physically but they can play to that equivalent level in their chipping and putting. If we want our juniors to love the game they have to be able to see improvement, have success and be on a path to mastery.

Junior Developmental Tour

For a junior to advance in our hat system they will play in our Junior Developmental Tour where they play 9 holes with their teammates from weekly sessions on a Sunday afternoon with a parent or grandparent caddying. This gives them the opportunity to compete which unfortunately in the past was not an option for beginning junior golfers. Unlike other sports where you play matches, games, and scrummages right away (baseball, football etc), golf has been set up that you only play tournaments when you are a “good golfer.” Well, how are you meant to get good if you can’t play tournaments? So this is why we created a junior tour where our players can learn how to play the game with their friends with very little pressure on a course they can succeed with lots of fun and prizes.


In each hat level we have stars:

Level 1 White Hat

Play a tournament – 1 Star Pin to add on junior’s hat
Shoot 50 or lower - 2 Stars Pins to add onto junior’s hat
Shoot 45 or lower – 3 star pins to add to junior’s hat
Shoot 39 or lower – Advance to Yellow Hat

The Progression then follows to Yellow Hat once a player shoots 39 or less, and progresses all the way to Blue Hat Level

As your child advances through the MLG Hat System, they advance in our programming getting additional coaching time, skill development, and mentoring.

The Path to Making Champions in Golf & Life

1. Participate in MLG Camp
(5days 1.5 hours per day)

2. Join MLG Golf Coaching
(1.5 hours Once per week after school)

3. Play in MLG Junior Tour
(parents get to caddy for a fun family afternoon out)

4. Advanced Coaching
(Player shoots 39 or lower from 100 yard makers)
2 Hours weekly & On-Course Coaching

5. Elite – 4 Hours weekly
(Coaching 2 hrs. p/w + Skill development focusing on swing and short game 2hrs)

6. College Path
Adds mentoring 2 x per month to support your junior golfer in creating a path to playing college golf through college selection, tournament schedule / stat tracking, and more

7. Mastery Classes
in addition to these programs are Intensive Courses to fast-track a player in a certain area in which they most need to improve.

Ready to Reserve your Spot?
